Financial Fundamentals

Using a HELOC as an Emergency Fund

Establishing an emergency fund is one of the fundamental steps in building a firm financial foundation. Emergency funds provide you with a buffer for when, not if, but when life throws a curveball your way. Traditionally, such funds are maintained in highly liquid assets, accessible at a moment's notice to cover unforeseen expenses or to provide a financial buffer in times of income disruption. Most emergency funds consist of a checking, savings, or money market fund and perhaps some cash on hand that is easily accessible.A question I often get is should you use equity in a home as an emergency…
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How to Monitor Your Credit Score

Understanding your credit score is crucial for financial well-being. It plays a pivotal role in determining your ability to secure loans, credit cards, and favorable interest rates. Fortunately, checking your credit score has become easier than ever, and you can do it for free. In this guide, we will walk you through the process, providing information on contacting credit agencies, using reliable websites, and exploring alternative monitoring methods. The Three Credit Agencies There are three major credit reporting agencies in the United States: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. These agencies play a crucial role in the financial system by collecting and…
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Budgeting Part 2: Income and Expenses

With the basic budgeting techniques covered in Part 1, we will now cover your income and expenses in more depth. In this article, I'll cover some common questions about each high-level category and provide tips on navigating, finding, and budgeting for each side of the equation. If you missed Part 1, check it out here: Budgeting Part 1: The Basics – Gilbert Wealth Determining Your Income This is the fun part - how much money you have coming in the door! Your income is the first step in developing a budget because it tells you how much you have to budget.…
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Budgeting Part 1: The Basics

Knowing how to budget is essential skill for financial success. It is the first step towards understanding your overall financial picture and planning for your future. Unfortunately, budgeting can be intimidating and overwhelming due to the sheer number of methods and techniques that exist. In this introduction, I will break down the fundamentals of budgeting, discuss some popular approaches, and provide a summary of key takeaways. With a solid understanding of budgeting basics under your belt, you'll be ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way!If you need convincing that you should budget, check out the 8 Benefits of…
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8 Benefits of Budgeting

Budgeting is simply tallying up your income and expenses to ensure you are living within your financial means. I rarely find someone who doesn’t have some positive or negative reaction to putting together a budget. When you hear the word budget, what words for feelings come to mind? Most people fall into two categories: those that cringe and those that get excited.  Regardless of your feelings, a budget is important for people in any financial situation.For those who cringe, you might think of a budget as being restrictive, taking too much time, being too complicated, or not enjoying your hard-earned money. However,…
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