Biblical Finance

What the Bible Says about Giving and Tithing

Generosity and the act of giving is a fundamental aspect of Christianity. Giving is so important that it is featured in arguably the most recognized Bible verses in the world - "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Without that act of God's gift of generosity, we would not have the grace through which all people can be saved. Through this grace, we gain the freedom to live through Christ. With this freedom, we can generously share the joy we experience…
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Biblical Stewardship: Learning to Manage What Belongs to God

Stewardship is a fundamental concept in the Biblical view of money. Stewardship refers to our responsibility to care for the resources and gifts that God has given us. At its core, stewardship is about recognizing that everything we have belongs to God and using those resources wisely and faithfully to further His kingdom. Truly understanding the concept of stewardship can redefine how you think about your money and will lay a foundation for the other Biblical money management concepts. In this article, we'll explore what the Bible teaches us about stewardship and how we can apply those principles in our daily…
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What the Bible Says about Money

What does the Bible have to say about money? Quite a lot! The Bible has over 2,300 verses that reference money, wealth, or possessions in some form. Of the 39 parables Jesus told, 11 were about money. This shows us how important it is for us to understand the principles and teachings of the Bible when it comes to our relationship with money. The Bible provides valuable guidance on managing our finances, including budgeting, saving, and giving principles. It highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship with money, recognizing that our ultimate source of security and fulfillment comes from…
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