Disability Planning

Social Security Maximum Family Benefit (MFB): What You Should Know

The Maximum Family Benefit (MFB) is a critical but often overlooked aspect of Social Security. It places a cap on the total amount a family can receive based on one individual’s earnings record. This article explains how the MFB is calculated, how it applies to different Social Security benefits, which benefits count toward the limit, and what happens if the MFB is exceeded. What is the Social Security Maximum Family Benefit? The Maximum Family Benefit (MFB) is the upper limit on the total Social Security benefits that can be paid to a worker’s family based on that worker’s earnings record.…
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Social Security Child-In-Care Benefits: Key Considerations

While most people think about Social Security as a retirement income source, it can play several other important benefits throughout a lifetime. One of these benefits, the Child-In-Care Benefit, applies to spouses in situations when children are under care. This guide explains who qualifies, how benefits are calculated, what happens if the worker claims early, and how the earnings test applies.In this article, you'll see references to a "Worker" and a "Spouse". The "Worker" benefit is the person whose benefit is being claimed on. The "Spouse" is the one receiving the benefit.  Who Qualifies for Child-In-Care Benefits There are two main requirements…
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